

Namespace: Microsoft.FSharp.Text

Static members

Static memberDescription
Parse(arguments, otherArgs, usageText)
Signature: (arguments:seq<ArgInfo> * otherArgs:(string -> unit) option * usageText:string option) -> unit

Parse the arguments given by System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables() according to the argument processing specifications "specs". Args begin with "-". Non-arguments are passed to "f" in order. "use" is printed as part of the usage line if an error occurs.

Signature: (cursor:int ref * argv:string [] * arguments:seq<ArgInfo> * otherArgs:(string -> unit) option * usageText:string option) -> unit

Parse some of the arguments given by 'argv', starting at the given position

Usage(arguments, usage)
Signature: (arguments:seq<ArgInfo> * usage:string option) -> unit

Prints the help for each argument.

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