Library fl.Boolean_Grammars.ThreeValuedLangDef
(* Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Fin.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop path ssrfun.
Inductive ter : Type :=
| T : nat -> ter.
Inductive var : Type :=
| V : nat -> var.
Inductive symbol : Type :=
| Ts : ter -> symbol
| Vs : var -> symbol.
Inductive rhs : Type :=
| Con : seq rhs -> rhs
| And : seq rhs -> rhs
| Neg : rhs -> rhs
| Sym : symbol -> rhs.
Definition rule : Type := (var * rhs).
Definition Grammar : Type := seq ter * seq var * seq rule * var.
Section Section1.
Section Section11.
Let A := nat.
Definition f1 (lst: seq A) := [seq (take x lst, drop x lst) | x <- iota 0 (length lst)].
Fixpoint f2 lst n :=
match n with
| 0 => nil
| 1 => lst
| S n =>
let n2 := map (fun x => (fst x, f1 (snd x))) lst in
let n3 := flatten (map (fun x => map (fun y => (fst x ++ [fst y], snd y)) (snd x)) n2) in
f2 n3 n
Definition f lst n :=
let n1 := map (fun x => ([fst x],snd x)) (f1 lst) in
let res := f2 n1 n in
map fst (filter (fun x => snd x == []) res).
End Section11.
Section Section12.
Definition minimum xs :=
match xs with
| nil => 0
| y::ys => foldl minn y ys
Definition maximum xs :=
match xs with
| nil => 0
| y::ys => foldl maxn y ys
Definition concat (langs: seq (seq nat -> nat)) :=
fun string =>
(map minimum
(map (map (fun x => (fst x) (snd x)))
(map (zip langs)
(f string (length langs))))).
End Section12.
End Section1.
Section Section2.
Let A := nat.
Definition Interpretation : Type := var -> seq A -> nat.
Definition ExtendedInterpretation : Type := rhs -> seq A -> nat.
Definition extendedInterpretation (interpretation: Interpretation): ExtendedInterpretation :=
let fix intExtHelp (r: rhs) :=
match r with
| And nil => fun (string: seq A) => if string == nil then 2 else 0
| Con nil => fun (string: seq A) => if string == nil then 2 else 0
| Sym (Ts (T a)) => fun (string: seq A) => if string == [::a] then 2 else 0
| Sym (Vs a) => fun (string: seq A) => interpretation a string
| Con rs => fun (string: seq A) => concat (map intExtHelp rs) string
| Neg r => fun string => 2 - intExtHelp r string
| And rs => fun (string: seq A) => minimum (map (fun r => intExtHelp r string) rs)
end in
fun rhs string => intExtHelp rhs string.
End Section2.
Section Section3.
Definition isNegative rhs :=
match rhs with
| Neg _ => true
| _ => false
Definition isPositive rhs := ~~ (isNegative rhs).
End Section3.
Section Section4.
Definition eq_r nt (rule: rule) :=
let (lhs,_) := rule in
match nt, lhs with
| V n, V lh => n == lh
Definition theta (grammar: Grammar) (intJ: Interpretation) :=
fun intI nt string =>
let '(ts, nts, rules, ss) := grammar in
let extIntI := extendedInterpretation intI in
let extIntJ := extendedInterpretation intJ in
let rhss := map snd (filter (fun rule => eq_r nt rule) rules) in
let res1 :=
(fun rhs =>
match rhs with
| And rhs1 =>
let posAts := filter isPositive rhs1 in
let negAts := filter isNegative rhs1 in
all (fun li => extIntI li string == 2) posAts && all (fun li => extIntJ li string == 2) negAts
| Neg rhs => extIntJ (Neg rhs) string == 2
| rhs => extIntI rhs string == 2
) rhss in
let res2 :=
(fun rhs =>
match rhs with
| And rhs1=>
let posAts := filter isPositive rhs1 in
let negAts := filter isNegative rhs1 in
has (fun li => extIntI li string == 0) posAts || has (fun li => extIntJ li string == 0) negAts
| Neg rhs => extIntJ (Neg rhs) string == 0
| rhs => extIntI rhs string == 0
) rhss in
if res1 then 2 else if res2 then 0 else 1.
Definition botIntT (nt: var) := fun (string: seq nat) => 0.
Definition botIntI (nt: var) := fun (string: seq nat) => 1.
Fixpoint omeg (grammar: Grammar) (interp: Interpretation) (n: nat): Interpretation :=
match n with
| 0 => botIntT
| S n => theta grammar interp (omeg grammar interp n)
Fixpoint m (grammar: Grammar) (n k: nat): Interpretation :=
match n with
| 0 => botIntI
| S n => omeg grammar (m grammar n k) k
End Section4.
Section WW.
Definition ww: Grammar:=
(V 0,
And [
Neg (Con [Sym (Vs (V 1)); Sym (Vs (V 2))]);
Neg (Con [Sym (Vs (V 2)); Sym (Vs (V 1))]);
Neg (Sym (Vs (V 1)));
Neg (Sym (Vs (V 2)))]);
(V 1, And [Sym (Ts (T 0))]);
(V 1, And [Con [Sym (Vs (V 3)); Sym (Vs (V 1)); Sym (Vs (V 3))]]);
(V 2, And [Sym (Ts (T 1))]);
(V 2, And [Con [Sym (Vs (V 3)); Sym (Vs (V 2)); Sym (Vs (V 3))]]);
(V 3, And [Sym (Ts (T 0))]);
(V 3, And [Sym (Ts (T 1))])
V 0).
Example example1:
(m ww 2 2) (V 0) [0;0;1; 0;0;1] == 2.
Proof. by done. Qed.
Lemma lemma1:
forall lst,
lst = [::0] \/ lst = [::1] <-> (m ww 1 1) (V 3) lst == 2.
intros lst .
split; [move => [H|H]| move => H].
- subst lst. by done.
- subst lst. by done.
- destruct lst; first by done.
destruct lst; first destruct n.
left. by done.
right. destruct n. by done. simpl in H. by done.
simpl in H. admit.
Lemma lemma2:
forall lst lst1 lst2,
(m ww 1 1) (V 2) lst == 2 <-> lst = lst1 ++ [::1] ++ lst2.
Lemma lemma3:
forall lst lst1 lst2,
(m ww 1 1) (V 1) lst == 2 <-> lst = lst1 ++ [::0] ++ lst2.
Lemma lemma4:
forall lst lst',
(m ww 2 2) (V 0) lst == 2 <-> lst = lst' ++ lst'.
split; intros.
subst lst.
Example example2:
forall lst, exists k, (m ww k k) (V 0) (lst ++ lst) == 2.
induction lst.
- exists 2. by done.
End SectionName5. *)
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Fin.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop path ssrfun.
Inductive ter : Type :=
| T : nat -> ter.
Inductive var : Type :=
| V : nat -> var.
Inductive symbol : Type :=
| Ts : ter -> symbol
| Vs : var -> symbol.
Inductive rhs : Type :=
| Con : seq rhs -> rhs
| And : seq rhs -> rhs
| Neg : rhs -> rhs
| Sym : symbol -> rhs.
Definition rule : Type := (var * rhs).
Definition Grammar : Type := seq ter * seq var * seq rule * var.
Section Section1.
Section Section11.
Let A := nat.
Definition f1 (lst: seq A) := [seq (take x lst, drop x lst) | x <- iota 0 (length lst)].
Fixpoint f2 lst n :=
match n with
| 0 => nil
| 1 => lst
| S n =>
let n2 := map (fun x => (fst x, f1 (snd x))) lst in
let n3 := flatten (map (fun x => map (fun y => (fst x ++ [fst y], snd y)) (snd x)) n2) in
f2 n3 n
Definition f lst n :=
let n1 := map (fun x => ([fst x],snd x)) (f1 lst) in
let res := f2 n1 n in
map fst (filter (fun x => snd x == []) res).
End Section11.
Section Section12.
Definition minimum xs :=
match xs with
| nil => 0
| y::ys => foldl minn y ys
Definition maximum xs :=
match xs with
| nil => 0
| y::ys => foldl maxn y ys
Definition concat (langs: seq (seq nat -> nat)) :=
fun string =>
(map minimum
(map (map (fun x => (fst x) (snd x)))
(map (zip langs)
(f string (length langs))))).
End Section12.
End Section1.
Section Section2.
Let A := nat.
Definition Interpretation : Type := var -> seq A -> nat.
Definition ExtendedInterpretation : Type := rhs -> seq A -> nat.
Definition extendedInterpretation (interpretation: Interpretation): ExtendedInterpretation :=
let fix intExtHelp (r: rhs) :=
match r with
| And nil => fun (string: seq A) => if string == nil then 2 else 0
| Con nil => fun (string: seq A) => if string == nil then 2 else 0
| Sym (Ts (T a)) => fun (string: seq A) => if string == [::a] then 2 else 0
| Sym (Vs a) => fun (string: seq A) => interpretation a string
| Con rs => fun (string: seq A) => concat (map intExtHelp rs) string
| Neg r => fun string => 2 - intExtHelp r string
| And rs => fun (string: seq A) => minimum (map (fun r => intExtHelp r string) rs)
end in
fun rhs string => intExtHelp rhs string.
End Section2.
Section Section3.
Definition isNegative rhs :=
match rhs with
| Neg _ => true
| _ => false
Definition isPositive rhs := ~~ (isNegative rhs).
End Section3.
Section Section4.
Definition eq_r nt (rule: rule) :=
let (lhs,_) := rule in
match nt, lhs with
| V n, V lh => n == lh
Definition theta (grammar: Grammar) (intJ: Interpretation) :=
fun intI nt string =>
let '(ts, nts, rules, ss) := grammar in
let extIntI := extendedInterpretation intI in
let extIntJ := extendedInterpretation intJ in
let rhss := map snd (filter (fun rule => eq_r nt rule) rules) in
let res1 :=
(fun rhs =>
match rhs with
| And rhs1 =>
let posAts := filter isPositive rhs1 in
let negAts := filter isNegative rhs1 in
all (fun li => extIntI li string == 2) posAts && all (fun li => extIntJ li string == 2) negAts
| Neg rhs => extIntJ (Neg rhs) string == 2
| rhs => extIntI rhs string == 2
) rhss in
let res2 :=
(fun rhs =>
match rhs with
| And rhs1=>
let posAts := filter isPositive rhs1 in
let negAts := filter isNegative rhs1 in
has (fun li => extIntI li string == 0) posAts || has (fun li => extIntJ li string == 0) negAts
| Neg rhs => extIntJ (Neg rhs) string == 0
| rhs => extIntI rhs string == 0
) rhss in
if res1 then 2 else if res2 then 0 else 1.
Definition botIntT (nt: var) := fun (string: seq nat) => 0.
Definition botIntI (nt: var) := fun (string: seq nat) => 1.
Fixpoint omeg (grammar: Grammar) (interp: Interpretation) (n: nat): Interpretation :=
match n with
| 0 => botIntT
| S n => theta grammar interp (omeg grammar interp n)
Fixpoint m (grammar: Grammar) (n k: nat): Interpretation :=
match n with
| 0 => botIntI
| S n => omeg grammar (m grammar n k) k
End Section4.
Section WW.
Definition ww: Grammar:=
(V 0,
And [
Neg (Con [Sym (Vs (V 1)); Sym (Vs (V 2))]);
Neg (Con [Sym (Vs (V 2)); Sym (Vs (V 1))]);
Neg (Sym (Vs (V 1)));
Neg (Sym (Vs (V 2)))]);
(V 1, And [Sym (Ts (T 0))]);
(V 1, And [Con [Sym (Vs (V 3)); Sym (Vs (V 1)); Sym (Vs (V 3))]]);
(V 2, And [Sym (Ts (T 1))]);
(V 2, And [Con [Sym (Vs (V 3)); Sym (Vs (V 2)); Sym (Vs (V 3))]]);
(V 3, And [Sym (Ts (T 0))]);
(V 3, And [Sym (Ts (T 1))])
V 0).
Example example1:
(m ww 2 2) (V 0) [0;0;1; 0;0;1] == 2.
Proof. by done. Qed.
Lemma lemma1:
forall lst,
lst = [::0] \/ lst = [::1] <-> (m ww 1 1) (V 3) lst == 2.
intros lst .
split; [move => [H|H]| move => H].
- subst lst. by done.
- subst lst. by done.
- destruct lst; first by done.
destruct lst; first destruct n.
left. by done.
right. destruct n. by done. simpl in H. by done.
simpl in H. admit.
Lemma lemma2:
forall lst lst1 lst2,
(m ww 1 1) (V 2) lst == 2 <-> lst = lst1 ++ [::1] ++ lst2.
Lemma lemma3:
forall lst lst1 lst2,
(m ww 1 1) (V 1) lst == 2 <-> lst = lst1 ++ [::0] ++ lst2.
Lemma lemma4:
forall lst lst',
(m ww 2 2) (V 0) lst == 2 <-> lst = lst' ++ lst'.
split; intros.
subst lst.
Example example2:
forall lst, exists k, (m ww k k) (V 0) (lst ++ lst) == 2.
induction lst.
- exists 2. by done.
End SectionName5. *)