
IBidirectionalIncidenceGraph<'TVertex, 'TEdge>

Namespace: QuickGraph

A directed graph datastructure that is efficient to traverse both in and out edges.

Instance members

Instance memberDescription
Signature: v:'TVertex -> int
Modifiers: abstract

Gets the degree of , i.e. the sum of the out-degree and in-degree of .

Signature: v:'TVertex -> int
Modifiers: abstract

Gets the number of in-edges of

InEdge(v, index)
Signature: (v:'TVertex * index:int) -> 'TEdge
Modifiers: abstract

Gets the in-edge at location .

Signature: v:'TVertex -> IEnumerable<'TEdge>
Modifiers: abstract

Gets the collection of in-edges of .

Signature: v:'TVertex -> bool
Modifiers: abstract

Determines whether has no in-edges.

TryGetInEdges(v, edges)
Signature: (v:'TVertex * edges:byref<IEnumerable<'TEdge>>) -> bool
Modifiers: abstract

Tries to get the in-edges of

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