QuickGraph Namespace
QuickGraph.Algorithms Namespace
Module | Description |
ChromaticPolynomial | |
GeneticConstants | |
InducedPathAlgorithm |
QuickGraph.Algorithms.AssigmentProblem Namespace
Type | Description |
HungarianAlgorithm | |
HungarianIteration |
QuickGraph.Algorithms.Cliques Namespace
Type | Description |
MaximumCliqueAlgorithmBase<'TVertex, 'TEdge> |
QuickGraph.Algorithms.Condensation Namespace
Type | Description |
CondensationGraphAlgorithm<'TVertex, 'TEdge, 'TGraph> | |
CondensedEdge<'TVertex, 'TEdge, 'TGraph> | |
EdgeMergeCondensationGraphAlgorithm<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | |
MergedEdge<'TVertex, 'TEdge> |
QuickGraph.Algorithms.ConnectedComponents Namespace
QuickGraph.Algorithms.Exploration Namespace
Type | Description |
CloneableVertexGraphExplorerAlgorithm<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | |
ITransitionFactory<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | |
TransitionFactoryImplicitGraph<'TVertex, 'TEdge> |
QuickGraph.Algorithms.GraphColoring.VertexColoring Namespace
Type | Description |
InputModel<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | |
OutputModel<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | |
VertexColoringAlgorithm<'TVertex, 'TEdge> |
QuickGraph.Algorithms.KernighanLinAlgoritm Namespace
Type | Description |
KernighanLinAlgoritm<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | |
Partition<'TVertex> |
QuickGraph.Algorithms.MaximumFlow Namespace
Type | Description |
AllVerticesGraphAugmentorAlgorithm<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | |
EdmondsKarpMaximumFlowAlgorithm<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | Edmond and Karp maximum flow algorithm for directed graph with positive capacities and flows. |
GraphAugmentorAlgorithmBase<'TVertex, 'TEdge, 'TGraph> | |
GraphBalancerAlgorithm<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | |
MaximumFlowAlgorithm<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | Abstract base class for maximum flow algorithms. |
MultiSourceSinkGraphAugmentorAlgorithm<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | |
ReversedEdgeAugmentorAlgorithm<'TVertex, 'TEdge> |
QuickGraph.Algorithms.MinimumSpanningTree Namespace
Type | Description |
IMinimumSpanningTreeAlgorithm<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | |
KruskalMinimumSpanningTreeAlgorithm<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | |
PrimMinimumSpanningTreeAlgorithm<'TVertex, 'TEdge> |
QuickGraph.Algorithms.Observers Namespace
Type | Description |
EdgePredecessorRecorderObserver<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | |
EdgeRecorderObserver<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | |
IObserver<'TAlgorithm> | An algorithm observer |
UndirectedVertexDistanceRecorderObserver<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | A distance recorder for undirected tree builder algorithms |
UndirectedVertexPredecessorRecorderObserver<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | |
VertexDistanceRecorderObserver<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | A distance recorder for directed tree builder algorithms |
VertexPredecessorPathRecorderObserver<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | |
VertexPredecessorRecorderObserver<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | |
VertexRecorderObserver<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | |
VertexTimeStamperObserver<'TVertex, 'TEdge> |
QuickGraph.Algorithms.RandomWalks Namespace
QuickGraph.Algorithms.RankedShortestPath Namespace
Type | Description |
HoffmanPavleyRankedShortestPathAlgorithm<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | Hoffman and Pavley K-shortest path algorithm. |
RankedShortestPathAlgorithmBase<'TVertex, 'TEdge, 'TGraph> |
QuickGraph.Algorithms.Ranking Namespace
Type | Description |
PageRankAlgorithm<'TVertex, 'TEdge> |
QuickGraph.Algorithms.Search Namespace
Type | Description |
BestFirstFrontierSearchAlgorithm<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | Best first frontier search |
BidirectionalDepthFirstSearchAlgorithm<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | A depth and height first search algorithm for directed graphs |
BreadthFirstSearchAlgorithm<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | A breath first search algorithm for directed graphs |
DepthFirstSearchAlgorithm<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | A depth first search algorithm for directed graph |
EdgeDepthFirstSearchAlgorithm<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | A edge depth first search algorithm for directed graphs |
ImplicitDepthFirstSearchAlgorithm<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | A depth first search algorithm for implicit directed graphs |
ImplicitEdgeDepthFirstSearchAlgorithm<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | A edge depth first search algorithm for implicit directed graphs |
UndirectedBreadthFirstSearchAlgorithm<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | A breath first search algorithm for undirected graphs |
UndirectedDepthFirstSearchAlgorithm<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | A depth first search algorithm for directed graph |
QuickGraph.Algorithms.Services Namespace
Type | Description |
IAlgorithmComponent | |
IAlgorithmServices | Common services available to algorithm instances |
ICancelManager | |
IService | Interface implemented by graph services |
QuickGraph.Algorithms.ShortestPath Namespace
Type | Description |
AStarShortestPathAlgorithm<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | A* single-source shortest path algorithm for directed graph with positive distance. |
BellmanFordShortestPathAlgorithm<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | Bellman Ford shortest path algorithm. |
DagShortestPathAlgorithm<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | A single-source shortest path algorithm for directed acyclic graph. |
DijkstraShortestPathAlgorithm<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | Dijkstra single-source shortest path algorithm for directed graph with positive distance. |
FloydWarshallAllShortestPathAlgorithm<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | Floyd-Warshall all shortest path algorith, |
ShortestPathAlgorithmBase<'TVertex, 'TEdge, 'TGraph> | |
UndirectedDijkstraShortestPathAlgorithm<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | A single-source shortest path algorithm for undirected graph with positive distance. |
UndirectedShortestPathAlgorithmBase<'TVertex, 'TEdge> |
QuickGraph.Algorithms.ShortestPath.Yen Namespace
Type | Description |
YenShortestPathsAlgorithm<'TVertex> |
QuickGraph.Algorithms.TSP Namespace
Type | Description |
TSP<'TVertex, 'TEdge, 'TGraph> | |
TaskPriority |
QuickGraph.Algorithms.TopologicalSort Namespace
QuickGraph.Collections Namespace
Type | Description |
BinaryHeap<'TPriority, 'TValue> | Binary heap |
BinaryQueue<'TVertex, 'TDistance> | |
EdgeEdgeDictionary<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | |
EdgeList<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | |
FibonacciHeap<'TPriority, 'TValue> | |
FibonacciHeapCell<'TPriority, 'TValue> | |
FibonacciHeapLinkedList<'TPriority, 'TValue> | |
FibonacciQueue<'TVertex, 'TDistance> | |
ForestDisjointSet<'T> | Disjoint-set implementation with path compression and union-by-rank optimizations. optimization |
HeapDirection | Specifies the order in which a Heap will Dequeue items. |
IDisjointSet<'T> | A disjoint-set data structure |
IEdgeList<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | A cloneable list of edges |
IPriorityQueue<'T> | |
IQueue<'T> | |
IVertexEdgeDictionary<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | A dictionary of vertices to a list of edges |
Queue<'T> | |
SoftHeap<'TKey, 'TValue> | |
TermEdgeList<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | |
VertexEdgeDictionary<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | |
VertexList<'TVertex> |
QuickGraph.Contracts Namespace
Type | Description |
GraphContract | Debug only assertions and assumptions |
QuickGraph.Data Namespace
Type | Description |
DataRelationEdge | |
DataSetGraph | |
DataSetGraphExtensions | |
DataSetGraphPopulatorAlgorithm | |
DataSetGraphvizAlgorithm | An algorithm that renders a DataSet graph to the Graphviz DOT format. |
QuickGraph.FSA Namespace
Module | Description |
GraphBasedFsa |
QuickGraph.FST Namespace
Module | Description |
FstTable | |
GraphBasedFst |
QuickGraph.Glee Namespace
QuickGraph.Graphviz Namespace
Type | Description |
CondensatedGraphRenderer<'TVertex, 'TEdge, 'TGraph> | |
EdgeMergeCondensatedGraphRenderer<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | |
FileDotEngine | Default dot engine implementation, writes dot code to disk |
FormatClusterEventArgs<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | A clustered graph event argument. |
FormatClusterEventHandler<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | |
FormatEdgeAction<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | |
FormatEdgeEventArgs<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | |
FormatVertexEventArgs<'TVertex> | |
FormatVertexEventHandler<'TVertex> | |
GraphRendererBase<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | |
GraphvizAlgorithm<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | An algorithm that renders a graph to the Graphviz DOT format. |
GraphvizExtensions | Helper extensions to render graphs to graphviz |
IDotEngine | |
SvgHtmlWrapper |
QuickGraph.Graphviz.Dot Namespace
QuickGraph.Petri Namespace
Type | Description |
AllwaysTrueConditionExpression<'Token> | |
IArc<'Token> | A directed edge of a net which may connect a to a or a to a . |
IConditionExpression<'Token> | |
IExpression<'Token> | |
IMutablePetriNet<'Token> | |
IPetriGraph<'Token> | |
IPetriNet<'Token> | A High Level Petri Graph. |
IPetriVertex | A vertex (node) of a Petri Graph. |
IPlace<'Token> | A Place in the HLPN framework |
ITransition<'Token> | A node of a net, taken from the transition kind. |
IdentityExpression<'Token> | |
PetriNet<'Token> | |
PetriNetSimulator<'Token> |
QuickGraph.Predicates Namespace
QuickGraph.Samples Namespace
Type | Description |
GraphCreation | |
GraphvizSamples | |
WikiSamples |
QuickGraph.Serialization Namespace
Type | Description |
DirectedGraphMLAlgorithm<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | |
DirectedGraphMLExtensions | Directed Graph Markup Language extensions |
GraphMLDeserializer<'TVertex, 'TEdge, 'TGraph> | A GraphML ( http://graphml.graphdrawing.org/ ) format deserializer. |
GraphMLExtensions | |
GraphMLSerializer<'TVertex, 'TEdge, 'TGraph> | A GraphML ( http://graphml.graphdrawing.org/ ) format serializer. |
GraphMLXmlResolver | A resolver that loads graphml DTD and XSD schemas from embedded resources. |
SerializationExtensions | |
SerializerBase<'TVertex, 'TEdge> | |
XmlReaderExtensions | |
XmlSerializableEdge<'TVertex> | |
XmlSerializableGraph<'TVertex, 'TEdge, 'TGraph> | A base class that creates a proxy to a graph that is xml serializable |
XmlWriterExtensions |
QuickGraph.Serialization.DirectedGraphML Namespace
global Namespace
Module | Description |
HelperTypes |