Library fl.aut.regexp

    Authors: Thierry Coquand, Vincent Siles

Section RegExp.
Base alphabet
Variable symbol : eqType.

Definition word := seq symbol.

Canonical Structure word_eqType := [eqType of word].

Definition language := pred word.

The Empty language
Definition void : language := pred0.

The language that only recognize the empty word
Definition eps : language := pred1 [::].

The language that only recognize a particular letter
Definition atom x : language := pred1 [:: x].

The language that only recognize any letter
Definition dot :language := [pred x : word | size x == 1].

Lemma dotP : u, (u \in dot) = (size u == 1).

The complementary of language L
Definition compl L : language := predC L.

the language of words which are either in L1 or in L2
Definition plus L1 L2 : language := [predU L1 & L2].

the language of words which are the concatenation of a word of L1 and a word of L2
Definition conc L1 L2 : language :=
  fun v[ i : 'I_(size v).+1, L1 (take i v) && L2 (drop i v) ].

the language of words which are in L1 _and_ in L2
Definition prod L1 L2 : language := [predI L1 & L2].

Lemma prodP : {L1 L2 v},
   (v \in prod L1 L2) = (v \in L1) && (v \in L2 ).

Lemma concP : {L1 L2 v},
  reflect (exists2 v1, v1 \in L1 & exists2 v2, v2 \in L2 & v = v1 ++ v2)
          (v \in conc L1 L2).

(* Complementary is involutive *)
Lemma compl_invol : { L }, compl (compl L) =i L.

Lemma complP : { L v}, (v \in compl L ) = ( v \notin L).

The residual of a language L with respect to x is the set of words w such that xw is in L
Definition residual x L : language := [preim cons x of L].

Lemma residualE : x L u, (u \in residual x L) = (x :: u \in L).

The Kleene star operator
Definition star L : language :=
  fix star v := if v is x :: v' then conc (residual x L) star v' else true.

Lemma starP : {L v},
  reflect (exists2 vv, all [predD L & eps] vv & v = flatten vv)
          (v \in star L).

Extended regular expression with boolean operators
Add an eqType structure to regular_expression. Note: we will not use it in this file, only at the very end since the structural equality over regular_expression is not interesting in itself (e.g. it does not equal A and A + A
Fixpoint regexp_struct_eq (e1 e2: regular_expression) : bool :=
  match e1,e2 with
    | Void, Voidtrue
    | Eps, Epstrue
    | Dot, Dottrue
    | Atom n, Atom pn == p
    | Star e1, Star e2regexp_struct_eq e1 e2
    | Plus e1 e2, Plus f1 f2regexp_struct_eq e1 f1 && regexp_struct_eq e2 f2
    | And e1 e2, And f1 f2regexp_struct_eq e1 f1 && regexp_struct_eq e2 f2
    | Conc e1 e2, Conc f1 f2regexp_struct_eq e1 f1 && regexp_struct_eq e2 f2
    | Not e1, Not e2regexp_struct_eq e1 e2
    | _, _false

Lemma regexp_struct_eq_refl : e, regexp_struct_eq e e.

Lemma regular_expression_eq_axiom : Equality.axiom regexp_struct_eq.

Definition regexp_eq_mixin := EqMixin regular_expression_eq_axiom.

Canonical Structure regexp_eqType := EqType regular_expression regexp_eq_mixin.

Function that translate a regexp into its associated language
Fixpoint mem_reg e :=
  match e with
  | Voidvoid
  | Epseps
  | Dotdot
  | Atom xatom x
  | Star e1star (mem_reg e1)
  | Plus e1 e2plus (mem_reg e1) (mem_reg e2)
  | And e1 e2prod (mem_reg e1) (mem_reg e2)
  | Conc e1 e2conc (mem_reg e1) (mem_reg e2)
  | Not e1compl (mem_reg e1)

Canonical Structure req_exp_predType := mkPredType mem_reg.

The delta operator: Test to check whether the epsilon is part of a regexp
Fixpoint has_eps e :=
  match e with
  | Voidfalse
  | Epstrue
  | Dotfalse
  | Atom xfalse
  | Star e1true
  | Plus e1 e2has_eps e1 || has_eps e2
  | And e1 e2has_eps e1 && has_eps e2
  | Conc e1 e2has_eps e1 && has_eps e2
  | Not e1negb (has_eps e1)

If a regexp contains epsilon, its language contains the empty word
Lemma has_epsE : e, has_eps e = ([::] \in e).
(* rewrite -[_ \in Conc _ _] topredE /=.*)

Derivate of a regexp e with respect to a letter x
Fixpoint der x e :=
  match e with
  | VoidVoid
  | EpsVoid
  | DotEps
  | Atom yif x == y then Eps else Void
  | Star e1Conc (der x e1) (Star e1)
  | Plus e1 e2Plus (der x e1) (der x e2)
  | And e1 e2And (der x e1) (der x e2)
  | Conc e1 e2if has_eps e1 then
     Plus (Conc (der x e1) e2) (der x e2)
     else Conc (der x e1) e2
  | Not e1Not (der x e1)

Lemma PlusVoid : c, c =i Plus c Void.

The operation of derivation is equivalent to the computation of residual

Lemma derE : x e, der x e =i residual x (mem e).

How to derivate by a word instead then just a letter
Fixpoint wder u e := if u is x :: v then wder v (der x e) else e.

Lemma wder_cat : s t E, wder (s++t) E = wder t (wder s E).
(* end hide *)

This gives us a test to check whether a word is in a language: u is recognized by the regexp e if epsilon is recognized by der e u
Fixpoint mem_der e u := if u is x :: v then mem_der (der x e) v else has_eps e.

Lemma mem_derE : u e, mem_der e u = (u \in e).

Lemma mem_wder : s e, mem_der e s = has_eps (wder s e).

Lemma star_id : l, star (star l) =i star l.

The language of all words is encoded as "not the empty language" but it can also be encoded as .*
Lemma in_All : u, (u \in Not Void).

Lemma in_All2 : u, (u \in Star Dot).

general shape of the derivatives by a _word_
Lemma wder_Void : u, wder u Void = Void.

Lemma wder_Plus: u E F,
  wder u (Plus E F) = Plus (wder u E) (wder u F).

Lemma wder_And: u E F, wder u (And E F) = And (wder u E) (wder u F).

Lemma wder_Not : u E, wder u (Not E) = Not (wder u E).

Lemma wder_Eps : u, wder u Eps = Eps wder u Eps = Void.

Lemma wder_Dot : u, wder u Dot = Dot wder u Dot = Eps
                           wder u Dot = Void.

Lemma wder_Atom : u n, wder u (Atom n) = Atom n
                  wder u (Atom n) = Eps wder u (Atom n) = Void.

first issue: general form of derivative of Conc (see Brozowsky for the litterate form)
(EF)/s = (E/s)F + Sigma { delta(E/t) F/u | s = tu and u <> epsilon }
invariant : s ++ t constant
Fixpoint wder_sigma (r1 r2: regular_expression) (s t:word) :
  regular_expression :=
  match t with
  | nilConc (wder s r1) r2
  | hd :: tlif has_eps (wder s r1) then
      Plus (wder_sigma r1 r2 (s++hd::nil) tl) (wder t r2)
     else wder_sigma r1 r2 (s++hd::nil) tl

Lemma wder_sigma_switch : t s x E F,
  wder_sigma (der x E) F s t = wder_sigma E F [:: x & s] t.

Lemma wder_Conc: u E F, wder u (Conc E F) = wder_sigma E F nil u.

The generic form of derivatives of Star is pretty easy to write with ... but not formally, so I crush it by stating it up to similarity (see finite_der.v) to be able to have any ordering on subterms.
its main form is: (E* )/s = E/s.E* + \sigma_s \delta(E/s_1)...\delta(E/s_p)E/s_q.E* for any possibility to write s = s_1 ++ s_2 ++ .. ++ s_p ++ s_q with s_i <> nil
for example, (E* )/xy = E/xy.E* + \delta(E/x) E/y.E* (E* )/xyz = E/xyz.E* + \delta(E/x) E/yz.E* + \delta(E/x)\delta(E/y) E/z.E* + \delta(E/xy) E/z.E*
to keep it simple, I just say that (E* )/ = E* and (E* )/x::s = (E.E* )/s as we already know the form of (P.Q)/s

End RegExp.