Library fl.cfg.Chomsky

Require Export Basics Separate Binarize ElimE ElimU.
Local Open Scope program_scope.

Module Chomsky.

  Import Base Lists Definitions Symbols Derivation ElimE Separate Binarize ElimU Inlining.

  Section Chomsky.

    Context {Tt Vt: Type}.
    Context {Tt_eqdec: eq_dec Tt}.
    Context {Vt_eqdec: eq_dec Vt}.

    Context {TtToNat: Tt nat}.
    Context {VtToNat: Vt nat}.
    Context {NatToTt: nat Tt }.
    Context {NatToVt: nat Vt}.

    Hypothesis Id1: x, TtToNat (NatToTt x) = x.
    Hypothesis Id2: x, NatToTt (TtToNat x) = x.
    Hypothesis Id3: x, VtToNat (NatToVt x) = x.
    Hypothesis Id4: x, NatToVt (VtToNat x) = x.

    Definition chomsky (G: @grammar Tt Vt) := efree G uniform G binary G unitfree G.
    Definition normalize :=
         (@sep Tt Vt _ _ TtToNat VtToNat NatToVt Id3)
         (@bin Tt Vt TtToNat VtToNat NatToVt Id3).

Normalization yields Chomsky normal form

    Lemma substG_preservesLength (G: @grammar Tt Vt) s s' :
      binary G binary (substG G s [s']).

Preservation of binarity

    Lemma binary_sep (G: @grammar Tt Vt) :
      binary G binary (@sep Tt Vt _ _ TtToNat _ _ Id3 G).

    Lemma binary_elimE (G: @grammar Tt Vt) : binary G binary (elimE G).

    Lemma binary_unit (G: @grammar Tt Vt) : binary G binary (elimU G).

Preservation of uniformness

    Lemma excluded_free (G: @grammar Tt Vt) : uniform G uniform (elimE G).

    Lemma excluded_unit (G: @grammar Tt Vt) : uniform G uniform (elimU G).

Preservation of epsilon-freeness

    Lemma efree_unit (G: @grammar Tt Vt) : efree G efree (elimU G).

    Lemma chomsky_normalform (G: @grammar Tt Vt) :
      chomsky (normalize G).

Normalization preserves languages

    Lemma bin_dom (G: @grammar Tt Vt):
      dom G <<= dom (@bin Tt Vt TtToNat _ _ Id3 G).

    Lemma language_normalform G A u :
      Vs A el dom G u [] (language G A u language (normalize G) A u).

  End Chomsky.

End Chomsky.