Library fl.cfg.Dec_Word
Require Export Derivation.
Module Dec_Word.
Import Base Lists Definitions Derivation Symbols.
Section Hm.
Context {Tt Vt: Type}.
Context {Tt_eqdec: eq_dec Tt}.
Context {Vt_eqdec: eq_dec Vt}.
Definition item := prod (@symbol Tt Vt) (@phrase Tt Vt).
Definition items G u : list item :=
@product _ _ _ (@pair _ _) (@symbs _ _ G) (segms u).
End Hm.
Module Dec_Word.
Import Base Lists Definitions Derivation Symbols.
Section Hm.
Context {Tt Vt: Type}.
Context {Tt_eqdec: eq_dec Tt}.
Context {Vt_eqdec: eq_dec Vt}.
Definition item := prod (@symbol Tt Vt) (@phrase Tt Vt).
Definition items G u : list item :=
@product _ _ _ (@pair _ _) (@symbs _ _ G) (segms u).
End Hm.
Section Dec_Word.
Context {Tt Vt: Type}.
Context {Tt_eqdec: eq_dec Tt}.
Context {Vt_eqdec: eq_dec Vt}.
Variable G : @grammar Tt Vt.
Variable u : @phrase Tt Vt.
Definition step (M : list item) i :=
match i with
(s, v) ⇒ v = [s] ∨ match s with
Vs A ⇒ ∃ M', M' <<= M ∧ R A (fsts M') el G ∧ v = concat (snds M')
| _ ⇒ False
Fixpoint fsts_comb X Y (D : eq_dec X) (M : list (X × Y)) (v : list X) : (list (list (X × Y))) :=
match v with
[] ⇒ [ [] ]
| s :: v ⇒
M' := @fsts_comb _ _ D M v
in let
S := @filter _ (fun e ⇒ match e with (s', _) ⇒ s = s' end) (filter_prod_dec _ _ _) M
@product _ _ _ (fun s M ⇒ s :: M) S M'
Lemma fsts_comb_corr1 X Y (D : eq_dec X) (M : list (X × Y)) (v : list X) (l : list (X × Y)) :
l el fsts_comb M v → fsts l = v ∧ l <<= M.
Lemma fsts_comb_corr2 X Y (D : eq_dec X) (M : list (X × Y)) (v : list X) (l : list (X × Y)) :
fsts l = v ∧ l <<= M → l el fsts_comb M v.
Lemma fsts_comb_corr X Y (D : eq_dec X) (M : list (X × Y)) (v : list X) (l : list (X × Y)) :
l el fsts_comb M v ↔ fsts l = v ∧ l <<= M.
Global Instance step_dec' (M : list item) A v :
dec (∃ M', M' <<= M ∧ R A (fsts M') el G ∧ v = concat (snds M')).
Global Instance step_dec M i : dec (step M i).
Definition DW := FCI.C (step := step) (items G u).
Lemma items_refl s v :
s el symbs G → (s, v) el items G v.
match v with
[] ⇒ [ [] ]
| s :: v ⇒
M' := @fsts_comb _ _ D M v
in let
S := @filter _ (fun e ⇒ match e with (s', _) ⇒ s = s' end) (filter_prod_dec _ _ _) M
@product _ _ _ (fun s M ⇒ s :: M) S M'
Lemma fsts_comb_corr1 X Y (D : eq_dec X) (M : list (X × Y)) (v : list X) (l : list (X × Y)) :
l el fsts_comb M v → fsts l = v ∧ l <<= M.
Lemma fsts_comb_corr2 X Y (D : eq_dec X) (M : list (X × Y)) (v : list X) (l : list (X × Y)) :
fsts l = v ∧ l <<= M → l el fsts_comb M v.
Lemma fsts_comb_corr X Y (D : eq_dec X) (M : list (X × Y)) (v : list X) (l : list (X × Y)) :
l el fsts_comb M v ↔ fsts l = v ∧ l <<= M.
Global Instance step_dec' (M : list item) A v :
dec (∃ M', M' <<= M ∧ R A (fsts M') el G ∧ v = concat (snds M')).
Global Instance step_dec M i : dec (step M i).
Definition DW := FCI.C (step := step) (items G u).
Lemma items_refl s v :
s el symbs G → (s, v) el items G v.
Lemma derf_DW v w :
(∀ s, s el v → s el symbs G) → segment u w → derf G v w → ∃ M, v = fsts M
∧ w = concat (snds M)
∧ M <<= DW.
(∀ s, s el v → s el symbs G) → segment u w → derf G v w → ∃ M, v = fsts M
∧ w = concat (snds M)
∧ M <<= DW.