Library fl.aut.myhill_nerode

Require Import automata misc regexp.
Require Import base.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Import Prenex Implicits.
Import Automata.

Lemma nand3P (b1 b2 b3: bool):
  reflect (¬[\/ b1, b2 | b3]) [&& ~~ b1, ~~ b2 & ~~ b3].

Section MyhillNerode.
  Variable char: finType.
  Definition word:= word char.

  Section Relations.
    Variable L: language char.

    (* We model finiteness of equivalence classes
     by functions to some finType. *)

    Definition surjective {X: finType} {Y} (f: Y X) := x, w, f w == x.

    Record Fin_Eq_Cls :=
        fin_type : finType;
        fin_func :> word fin_type;
        fin_surjective : surjective fin_func

    Section Inversion.

      Variable f: Fin_Eq_Cls.

      Definition cr (f: Fin_Eq_Cls) x := xchoose (fin_surjective f x).

      Lemma crK: cancel (cr f) f.

      (* Needed? *)
      Lemma eq_cr x: x = (f (cr f x)).

    End Inversion.

    Section Myhill.

      Definition right_congruent {X} (f: word X) :=
         u v a, f u = f v f (rcons u a) = f (rcons v a).

      Definition refines {X} (f: word X) :=
         u v, f u = f v u \in L = (v \in L).

      Record Myhill_Rel :=
          myhill_func :> Fin_Eq_Cls;
          myhill_congruent: right_congruent myhill_func;
          myhill_refines: refines myhill_func

    End Myhill.

    Definition suffix_equal u v :=
       w, u++w \in L = (v++w \in L).

    Definition equiv_suffix {X} (f: word X) :=
       u v, f u = f v suffix_equal u v.

    Record Nerode_Rel :=
        nerode_func :> Fin_Eq_Cls;
        nerode_equiv: equiv_suffix nerode_func

    Lemma cr_rcons (f: Nerode_Rel) w a: f (rcons (cr f (f w)) a) = f (rcons w a).

    Section Weak_Nerode.

      Definition imply_suffix {X} (f: word X) :=
         u v, f u = f v suffix_equal u v.

      Record Weak_Nerode_Rel :=
          weak_nerode_func :> Fin_Eq_Cls;
          weak_nerode_imply: imply_suffix weak_nerode_func

    End Weak_Nerode.

    Section Weak_Nerode_Facts.

      Variable f: Weak_Nerode_Rel.

      Lemma cr_mem_L_cat u v: cr f (f u) ++ v \in L = (u ++ v \in L).

      Lemma cr_mem_L w: cr f (f w) \in L = (w \in L).

    End Weak_Nerode_Facts.

    Definition nerode_weak_nerode (f: Nerode_Rel): Weak_Nerode_Rel :=
      {| weak_nerode_imply := fun u v H match nerode_equiv f u v with conj H0 H1 H0 H end |}.

    Coercion nerode_weak_nerode : Nerode_Rel >-> Weak_Nerode_Rel.

  End Relations.

  Section DFA_To_Myhill.
    Variable A: dfa char.
    Definition A_c := dfa_connected A.
    Definition f_M := fun wlast (dfa_s A_c) (dfa_run A_c w).

    Lemma f_M_surjective: surjective f_M.

    Definition f_fin : Fin_Eq_Cls :=
        fin_func := f_M;
        fin_surjective := f_M_surjective

    Lemma f_M_right_congruent: right_congruent f_M.

    Lemma f_M_refines: refines (dfa_lang A_c) f_M.

    Definition dfa_to_myhill' : Myhill_Rel (dfa_lang A_c) :=
        myhill_func := f_fin;
        myhill_congruent := f_M_right_congruent;
        myhill_refines := f_M_refines

    Lemma myhill_lang_eq L1 L2: L1 =i L2 Myhill_Rel L1 Myhill_Rel L2.

    Lemma dfa_to_myhill : Myhill_Rel (dfa_lang A).

  End DFA_To_Myhill.

  Section Myhill_Weak_Nerode.

    Variable L: language char.
    Variable f: Myhill_Rel L.

    Lemma myhill_suffix: imply_suffix L f.

    Lemma myhill_to_weak_nerode: Weak_Nerode_Rel L.

  End Myhill_Weak_Nerode.

  Section Nerode_To_DFA.
    Variable L: language char.
    Variable f: Nerode_Rel L.

    Definition nerode_to_dfa :=
        dfa_s := f [::];
        dfa_fin := [pred x | cr f x \in L ];
        dfa_step := [fun x a f (rcons (cr f x) a)]

    Lemma nerode_to_dfa_run w: last (f[::]) (dfa_run' nerode_to_dfa (f [::]) w) = f w.

    Lemma nerode_to_dfa_correct: L =i dfa_lang nerode_to_dfa.

  End Nerode_To_DFA.

  Section Minimalization.
    Variable L: language char.
    Variable f_0: Weak_Nerode_Rel L.
    Definition X := f_0.(fin_type).

    Definition succ := [ fun x a f_0 ((cr f_0 x) ++ [::a]) ].

    Definition psucc := [ fun x y [ fun a (succ x a, succ y a) ] ].

    Definition distinguishable := [ fun x y (cr f_0 x) \in L != ((cr f_0 y) \in L) ].

    Definition dist0 := [set x | distinguishable x.1 x.2 ].

    Lemma dist0P x:
      reflect (cr f_0 x.1 \in L (cr f_0 x.2 \in L))
              (x \in dist0).

    Lemma dist0NP x:
      reflect (cr f_0 x.1 \in L = (cr f_0 x.2 \in L))
              (x \notin dist0).

    Definition distS (dist: {set X×X}) :=
      [set (x,y) | x in X, y in X & [ a, psucc x y a \in dist ] ].

    Lemma distSP (dist: {set X×X}) x y:
      reflect ( a, psucc x y a \in dist)
              ((x,y) \in distS dist).

    Lemma distSNP (dist: {set X×X}) x y:
      reflect ( a, psucc x y a \notin dist)
              ((x,y) \notin distS dist).

    Definition one_step_dist dist := dist0 :|: dist :|: (distS dist).

    Lemma one_step_distP (dist: {set X×X}) x:
      reflect ([\/ x \in dist0, x \in dist | x \in distS dist])
              (x \in one_step_dist dist).

    Lemma one_step_distNP (dist: {set X×X}) x:
      reflect ([/\ x \notin dist0, x \notin dist & x \notin distS dist])
              (x \notin one_step_dist dist).

    Definition distinct := lfp one_step_dist.

    Notation "x ~!= y" := ((x,y) \in distinct) (at level 70, no associativity).
    Notation "u ~!=_f_0 v" := (f_0(u) ~!= f_0(v)) (at level 70, no associativity).
    Notation "x ~= y" := ((x,y) \notin distinct) (at level 70, no associativity).
    Notation "u ~=_f_0 v" := (f_0(u) ~= f_0(v)) (at level 70, no associativity).

    Lemma distS_mono: mono distS.

    Lemma one_step_dist_mono: mono one_step_dist.

    Lemma equiv0_refl x:
      (x,x) \notin dist0.

    Lemma equiv_refl x: x ~= x.

    Lemma dist_sym x y: distinguishable x y distinguishable y x.

    Lemma not_dist_sym x y: ~~ distinguishable x y ~~ distinguishable y x.

    Lemma equiv0_sym x y: (x,y) \notin dist0 (y,x) \notin dist0.

    Lemma dist0_sym x y: (x,y) \in dist0 (y,x) \in dist0.

    Lemma equiv_sym x y: x ~= y y ~= x.

    Lemma equiv_trans x y z: x ~= y y ~= z x ~= z.

    Lemma equiv_suffix_equal u v: u ~=_f_0 v suffix_equal L u v.

    Lemma distinct_not_suffix_equal u v:
      u ~!=_f_0 v
       w, u ++ w \in L != (v ++ w \in L).

    Lemma equivP u v:
      reflect (suffix_equal L u v)
              (u ~=_f_0 v).

    Definition equiv_repr x := [set y | x ~= y].

    Lemma equiv_repr_refl x : x \in equiv_repr x.

    Definition X_min := map equiv_repr (enum (fin_type f_0)).

    Lemma equiv_repr_mem x: equiv_repr x \in X_min.

    Definition f_min w := SeqSub (equiv_repr_mem (f_0 w)).

    Lemma f_minP u v:
      reflect (f_min u = f_min v)
              (u ~=_f_0 v).

    Lemma f_min_correct: equiv_suffix L f_min.

    Lemma f_min_surjective: surjective f_min.

    Definition f_min_fin: Fin_Eq_Cls :=
      {| fin_surjective := f_min_surjective |}.

    Lemma weak_nerode_to_nerode: Nerode_Rel L.

  End Minimalization.

End MyhillNerode.