Library fl.aut.re_fa
Require Import automata regexp misc.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Section RE_FA.
Import Automata.
Variable char: finType.
Definition word:= word char.
Fixpoint re_to_dfa (r: regular_expression char): dfa char :=
match r with
| Void ⇒ dfa_void char
| Eps ⇒ dfa_eps char
| Dot ⇒ dfa_dot char
| Atom a ⇒ dfa_char char a
| Star s ⇒ nfa_star (dfa_to_nfa (re_to_dfa s))
| Plus s t ⇒ dfa_disj (re_to_dfa s) (re_to_dfa t)
| And s t ⇒ dfa_conj (re_to_dfa s) (re_to_dfa t)
| Conc s t ⇒ nfa_to_dfa (nfa_conc (dfa_to_nfa (re_to_dfa s)) (dfa_to_nfa (re_to_dfa t)))
| Not s ⇒ dfa_compl (re_to_dfa s)
Lemma re_to_dfa_correct r: dfa_lang (re_to_dfa r) =i r.
(* Star *)
Definition re_equiv r s := dfa_equiv (re_to_dfa r) (re_to_dfa s).
Lemma re_equiv_correct r s: re_equiv r s ↔ r =i s.
End RE_FA.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Section RE_FA.
Import Automata.
Variable char: finType.
Definition word:= word char.
Fixpoint re_to_dfa (r: regular_expression char): dfa char :=
match r with
| Void ⇒ dfa_void char
| Eps ⇒ dfa_eps char
| Dot ⇒ dfa_dot char
| Atom a ⇒ dfa_char char a
| Star s ⇒ nfa_star (dfa_to_nfa (re_to_dfa s))
| Plus s t ⇒ dfa_disj (re_to_dfa s) (re_to_dfa t)
| And s t ⇒ dfa_conj (re_to_dfa s) (re_to_dfa t)
| Conc s t ⇒ nfa_to_dfa (nfa_conc (dfa_to_nfa (re_to_dfa s)) (dfa_to_nfa (re_to_dfa t)))
| Not s ⇒ dfa_compl (re_to_dfa s)
Lemma re_to_dfa_correct r: dfa_lang (re_to_dfa r) =i r.
(* Star *)
Definition re_equiv r s := dfa_equiv (re_to_dfa r) (re_to_dfa s).
Lemma re_equiv_correct r s: re_equiv r s ↔ r =i s.
End RE_FA.