Brahma.FSharpFunctions and values
Function or value | Signature | Description | |
# | alloc() | unit -> ClTask<ClCell<'a>> | |
# | allocWithFlags(memFlags) | memFlags:ClMemFlags -> ClTask<ClCell<'a>> | Allocate default value on device with specified memory flags. |
# | copy(clCell) | clCell:ClCell<'a> -> ClTask<unit> | |
# | toDevice(value) | value:'a -> ClTask<ClCell<'a>> | Transfers specified value to device with default memory flags. |
# | toDeviceWithFlags value memFlags | value:'a -> memFlags:ClMemFlags -> ClTask<ClCell<'a>> | Transfers specified value to device with specified memory flags. |
# | toHost(clCell) | clCell:ClCell<'a> -> ClTask<'a> | Transfers specified value from device to host. |
Allocate empty array on device with default memory flags.