Atomic Usage [Experimental]
This feature is unstable and behaviour depends on hardware and driver version/vendor.
Target functions
As target function for atomic
it`s possible to use anonymous lambda functions.
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You can use quoted lambdas that inserted inside kernel quotation by splicing operator.
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You cannot use arbitary named functions in atomic expressions, but you can use any named function, generally supported by Brahma.FSharp.
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There are some specific named functions, which can only be used as target function in atomic expression:
(arbitary types supported)cmpxchg
(arbitary types supported)
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You can use srtp atomic functions in generic kernels. Following kernel can be used both with int
and float32
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Other rules
- The first argument of target function must be te same type as return type of the function.
- The first argument of target function must be od the form
is variable in global or local memory. - You can use atomic functions inside other functions, but the first argument must be provided.
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But following kernels is not supported:
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Usage advices
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instead of
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namespace Brahma
namespace Brahma.FSharp
val range : Range1D
Multiple items
type Range1D =
interface INDRange
new : globalWorkSize:int -> Range1D
new : globalWorkSize:int * localWorkSize:int -> Range1D
private new : globalWorkSize:int * localWorkSize:int * __:unit -> Range1D
member GlobalID0 : int
member GlobalWorkSize : int
member LocalID0 : int
member LocalWorkSize : int
static member CreateValid : neededSize:int * localWorkSize:int -> Range1D
new : globalWorkSize:int -> Range1D
new : globalWorkSize:int * localWorkSize:int -> Range1D
type Range1D =
interface INDRange
new : globalWorkSize:int -> Range1D
new : globalWorkSize:int * localWorkSize:int -> Range1D
private new : globalWorkSize:int * localWorkSize:int * __:unit -> Range1D
member GlobalID0 : int
member GlobalWorkSize : int
member LocalID0 : int
member LocalWorkSize : int
static member CreateValid : neededSize:int * localWorkSize:int -> Range1D
new : globalWorkSize:int -> Range1D
new : globalWorkSize:int * localWorkSize:int -> Range1D
val buffer : clarray<int>
Multiple items
val int : value:'T -> int (requires member op_Explicit)
type int = int32
type int<'Measure> = int
val int : value:'T -> int (requires member op_Explicit)
type int = int32
type int<'Measure> = int
type clarray<'a> = ClArray<'a>
val atomic : f:('a -> 'b) -> ('a -> 'b)
val ignore : value:'T -> unit
val f : Quotations.Expr<(int -> int -> int)>
val x : int
val y : int
val min : e1:'T -> e2:'T -> 'T (requires comparison)
val inc : p:'a -> 'a0 (requires member ( + ) and member get_One)
val buffer : clarray<bool>
type bool = System.Boolean
val xchg : p:'a -> value:'a -> 'a
val kernel : unit -> Quotations.Expr<(Range1D -> clarray<'a> -> 'a -> unit)> (requires member ( + ))
val result : clarray<'a> (requires member ( + ))
val value : 'a (requires member ( + ))
val g : (int -> int)
val g : (int -> int -> int)
val result : clarray<int>