ClProgram<'TRange, 'a>
Brahma.FSharpRepresents an abstraction over OpenCL program.
Constructor | Signature | Description | |
# | new(ctx, srcLambda) | (ctx:ClContext * srcLambda:Expr<('TRange -> 'a)>) -> ClProgram<'TRange,'a> | CompiledName: |
Instance members
Instance member | Signature | Description | |
# | x.ClContext | ClContext | CompiledName: |
# | x.Code | string | Gets compiled OpenCL kernel code. CompiledName: |
# | x.Lambda | Expr | Gets kernel lambda after transformation. CompiledName: |
# | x.Program | Program | Gets internal representation of Program specific to OpenCL.Net. CompiledName: |
Gets OpenCL context.