Brahma.FSharpRepresents an abstraction over single OpenCL device.
Constructor | Signature | Description | |
# | new(device) | device:Device -> ClDevice | CompiledName: |
Instance members
Instance member | Signature | Description | |
# | x.Device | Device | CompiledName: |
# | x.DeviceExtensions | string | Returns a space separated list of extension names. CompiledName: |
# | x.DeviceType | DeviceType | The OpenCL device type. CompiledName: |
# | x.MaxWorkGroupSize | int | Maximum number of work-items in a work-group executing a kernel using the data parallel execution model. The minimum value is 1. CompiledName: |
# | x.MaxWorkItemDimensions | int | Maximum dimensions that specify the global and local work-item IDs used by the data parallel execution model. The minimum value is 3. CompiledName: |
# | x.MaxWorkItemSizes | int [] | Maximum number of work-items that can be specified in each dimension of the work-group. The minimum value is (1, 1, 1). CompiledName: |
# | x.Name | string | Device name string. CompiledName: |
# | x.Platform | Platform | The platform associated with this device. CompiledName: |
Static members
Static member | Signature | Description | |
# | ClDevice.GetAvailableDevices(...) | (platform:Platform option * deviceType:DeviceType option) -> seq<ClDevice> | Returns list of all available OpenCL devices of specified platform and device type. |
# | ClDevice.GetFirstAppropriateDevice(...) | (platform:Platform option * deviceType:DeviceType option) -> ClDevice | Returns first available OpenCL device of specified platform and device type or throw exception if there are no available devices. |
Gets internal representation of device specific to OpenCL.Net.